Cataumet Civic Associates, Inc.

2022 Calendar

Town of Bourne, CCA and Other Local Organizations


Thursday Nov. 3 CSPG Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper 6pm

Thursday Nov. 3, 6:30pm Bourne Conservation Commission Meeting via Zoom

Saturdays in Nov. and Dec. Library at the Depot 10:00 - Noon - volunteers needed!

Tuesday Nov 8 ELECTION DAY! Early voting available Mon. Oct 31 - Fri. Nov. 4 at Bourne Veterans Community Building 8:30 -4:30

Saturday Nov. 12 CCA seedlings 10am - Noon at the Depot

Saturday Nov. 12 BCT Spring Hill Farm Barn cleanout 9:00 - 11:30 Rain or Shine

Monday Nov. 14 Bourne Rail Trail Meeting 6pm at Bourne High School Library

Saturday Dec. 3 CSPG Open House 11am - 3:00pm

Saturday Dec. 10 CCA Tree Lighting


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